How to Waste Less WaterWhen you open the tap to get a glass of water to drink, brush your teeth, add water to food for cooking or wash dishes or do the laundry, do you ever think about just how much water you as an individual use every single day?

Would it surprise you to know that YOU, not your family, but YOU personally use an average of 150 litres of water every single day of your life?

How to Waste Less Water

Unfortunately quite a bit of the water that we are responsible for using every day is actually wasted by simple tasks such as rinsing food under a running tap or not switching the tap off while brushing your teeth.

With many countries facing water shortages or water scarcity due to climate change, droughts and plain bad water management, it is irresponsible of us to waste even a drop of water, so here are some easy tips on how to waste less water:

  • Fix dripping taps– Dripping taps can waste up to as much as 95 litres of water a day, so make sure that your taps do not drip; generally all a dripping tap needs is a new washer;
  • Refrigerate your water – Keep jugs of chilled drinking water in the fridge instead of letting the tap run till the water is cool. Alternatively, invest in a water cooler that can provide the whole family or office with fresh, pure chilled drinking water virtually non-stop;
  • Washing dishes and vegetablesin the sink – Running taps waste lots of water, so rather wash them in a sink or in a bowl so that you only run as much as you need to do the job;
  • Modify your toilet – Placing a brick or a plastic bottle filled with water in the cistern of your toilet will ensure that each flush uses less water; this can mean an annual saving of approximately 1,460 litres of water annually for the average home;
  • Shorten your shower – Only shower for four minutes, and fit a timer to remind others that long showers are unnecessary and waste water;
  • Wash full loads – Always run your washing machine on the economy setting and do only full loads; the same goes for your dishwasher; and
  • Washing your car – Use a bucket and cloth or sponge to wash your car, not the hosepipe which wastes gallons of water

There are various other methods of not wasting water, such as reusing water, recycling water and collecting rainwater for use in your garden. Be a responsible citizen of planet earth and see how many ways you can come up with to use less water.

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