Even though the ocean and freshwater sources, such as rivers, all contain some type of natural pollution, which may have been caused by the change in air over time, or because of the animals living in it, it’s such a small amount, and cannot affect the life living in water to the extent of illness or death. Something such as water running over rocks or soil that has high levels of lead or contains arsenic could also cause water to be poisoned.

The pollution that does, however, have a major effect on the health and well-being of fish, mammals, and organisms living in the ocean, are specifically caused by humans.

Human-inflicted causes of water pollution

  • Agricultural runoff – This cause is considered one of the most common causes of water pollution. Since the agriculture sector requires clean water to be able to function properly, the fact that they are the main cause of water pollution is quite bad. Considering that the industry is also not regulated about water cleanliness, including runoff or waste disposal, has become a massive problem in the industry, all over the world.

The runoff in specific is a big factor that causes contaminated water, as toxic materials are often exposed to freshwater resources and groundwater that might even end up in people’s homes.

  • Dumping – As another major common cause by humans, dumping waste in a wrong place or accidentally, will contribute to this major problem. Dumping garbage in the woods, for instance, will quickly reach groundwater or surface water.
  • Chemical runoff – Did you know that throwing a chemical down the drain, causes water pollution? Or, perhaps even just oil after cooking?

Even if you don’t litter, every human cause water pollution in some way and the only way to stop this is by stopping the usage of chemicals in your home, and switch to more eco-friendly cleaning products. Unfortunately, there’s not much we can do about the oil, but considering how much oil Americans use daily, for instance, the future is looking very bleak for the fishes.

  • Landfills and plastic pollution – Recycling is such an important part of life. It is something that’s being overlooked and brushed off every single day, and while picking up your coffee in a plastic cup, or drinking your soda through a straw might not cause you any harm, it’s going to end up somewhere, and will reach the water in some way.

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