Your issue may be caused by dehydration if you have dry, flaky skin and are tired of spending a lot of money on moisturising products and skin creams that do not provide any relief for your symptoms.

Although the most of us are aware that the human body is composed of between 60 and 70 percent water, and that we need to keep that balance in order to remain hydrated and in good health, not all of us are aware of why this is the case. Water is found in each and every cell and tissue in the human body, and a sufficient amount of it is necessary for maintaining optimum health.

Do you really think that drinking water will help my flaky skin?

Drinking fluids such as juices, soft drinks, tea, and coffee may slake your thirst, but they do not hydrate the body in the way that you need to hydrate it; in fact, some of these beverages are diuretics, which means that they cause one to urinate more frequently, thereby actually dehydrating you rather than hydrating you. Other beverages, such as water, do hydrate the body in the way that you need to hydrate it. Add to that the fact that many of them contain food colorings and preservatives, and you have something that is already very harmful but is made even worse by the fact that it is highly unhealthy.

The use of moisturisers and lotions on your skin may be of some assistance, but these products just address the surface of the skin and do not address the underlying cause, which is dehydration. Because it is the largest organ in the human body, the skin requires a significant amount of water in order to be adequately hydrated from the inside out, maintain its suppleness, and a youthful appearance.

Damage to the skin’s lipid barrier, which normally serves to protect the skin from environmental aggressors, is the root cause of dry, flaky skin. When you combine this deterioration with a drop in sebum production, it is possible that this will lead to trans-epidermal water loss as the cells get dehydrated and the skin shows apparent signs of stress and peeling. A moisturiser may provide some temporary relief to the surface, but the skin will continue to be dry until the equilibrium of fluids in the body is restored.

When you drink water on a regular basis, you will replenish the water that your body loses through urination, perspiration, and the many other tasks that it performs, and you will rehydrate your entire body, including your skin. Invest in a water cooler from Living-Water such as their bottled water coolers that dispense Living-Water Spring Water that is sourced and bottled in the Wenworth region, or their mains water coolers that are fitted with the Living Water Triple Activated Carbon Filter to guarantee that the water you drink is as pure as it can possibly be.