Most individuals take drinking water for granted, but staying hydrated is fundamental to our overall health. Despite this however, a significant number of people do not consume the recommended amounts of water every day.

The human body is composed of around 70%, which is similar to the percentage of water on the planet’s surface. Our blood is around 90% water, as are our brains, and if this percentage is not maintained it can cause major health problems such as elevated blood sugar levels, heart arrhythmia, and fatigue and dulled senses.

Water is essential for proper kidney function; the kidneys’ main function is to filter wastes and excess water out of the blood to make urine. Your kidneys also maintain your body’s chemical balance, help control blood pressure, and make hormones. Insufficient intake of water can lead to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) – this means that your kidneys are damaged and can’t filter blood like they should. This damage can cause wastes to build up in your body.

Water is also essential for keeping the body’s largest, the skin, which is around 64% water, supple, elastic and glowing. Drinking water regularly can improve the colour and texture of your skin by keeping it building new cells properly and it also helps the skin do its job of regulating the body’s temperature through sweating.

Water is also required to lubricate your joints, protect your spinal cord and other sensitive tissues, regulate your core body temperature, and assist the passage of food through your intestines. Your body cannot store water, and it loses water throughout the day via normal bodily functions, so it is vital that you drink water regularly throughout the day in order to remain well-hydrated.

One of the best sources of pure, chilled, great-tasting, pollutant-free drinking water is a water cooler that is fitted with a good filter like the mains water coolers supplied by Living-Water, London’s premier water cooler supply company.