Pregnant? Invest in a Home Water CoolerThe human body is about 70% water, and we all need to drink sufficient water every day to ensure that we replace the water lost through sweating, urinating and other means or our bodies will be out of sync. When we do not drink water as often as we should, we become dehydrated and cannot function at our best; we can also become very ill from dehydration.

Hydrating sufficiently is even more important if you are pregnant. You do not have to drink more than the average person (supposedly around 8 glasses of water per day) but you do need to ensure that you are drinking enough water. Most people only drink about half the amount of water that they should.

The Importance of Drinking Water during Pregnancy

Remember, when you are pregnant you are responsible for not only your own life and health, but that of the baby growing inside of you too. This means that it is doubly important that your fluid intake is sufficient to keep you well-hydrated.

Drinking water during your pregnancy ensures that:

  • All the essential nutrients are transported into the cells and the minerals, vitamins, hormones and trace elements find their way to your blood cells, from which the placenta surrounding your baby is enriched. None of this can take place without water.
  • Water is vital to the cleansing of your system, as it is water that dissolves waste product and flushes the toxins from your kidneys.
  • Drinking enough water will also ensure that you do not get a UTI, which is common in pregnancies.
  • Water keeps you cool, something which most pregnant women struggle with, especially in the hot summer months. Drinking enough water will also keep your baby cool.
  • Being well-hydrated keeps pregnancy fatigue at bay
  • Drinking water keeps your skin hydrated and also keep excessive water retention under control; keeping those ankles from swelling up too much

Why a Home Water Cooler?

Many pregnant women do not drink enough water during pregnancy because they say that the taste of the water is awful, that tap water is always warm, that carrying bottles of water to and from the fridge in order to get a cool drink is irritating and frustrating.

A home water cooler will sort out all the above problems because:

  • A home water cooler such as those supplied by Living-Water, which only dispenses pure, great-tasting spring water from the Wenlock Range, will encourage you to drink more water
  • If you prefer a mains water cooler you can have a filter attached and the water will still be far better-tasting than ordinary tap water, and it will be wonderfully chilled 24/7
  • There is not need to fill bottles and put them into the fridge to get cold and then take them out and carry the over to the table to pour a drink; all you have to do is hold a glass or cup to the dispenser in the water cooler and hey presto!
  • With a home water cooler you are assured that the water you drink is genuinely free of any toxins that are often found in tap water, no matter how good the water is purported to be

Remember to only use a water cooler company that is a member of the British Water Cooler Association (BWCA), like Living-Water. This will ensure that the company from you buy water cooler adheres to the strictest rules and regulations as laid down by the BWCA, keeping both you and your precious little bundle to come in perfect health.