Prime Reasons to Drink More WaterAre you tired of hearing that you should drink more water, that you should drink water regularly and that drinking water will solve all your health problems? Well, whether you are tired of hearing it or not, it is all true.

I understand that many people do not want to drink water because it tastes like nothing after all, so why drink it? If there is actually any taste it is generally a chemical one which makes me slightly nauseated – I cannot even stand the smell of chemicals in the water, so trust me I understand why you do not want to drink water, but I mad myself drink more water because of the following facts.

I used to suffer badly from allergies; trust me, the whole streaming eyes, itchy, running nose, sneezing fits and the whole thing. Added to this I also suffered from eczema since birth, and as I grew older this drove me crazy and I had to go onto medication for a whole year at one stage; Cortisone injections, creams and pills.

I got tired of all the medication and what the cortisone was doing to my body and eventually went to see a natural healer who gave me some insight into my allergies and some prime reasons to drink more water:

The human body is made up of around 75% water; the brain is 80% water, the blood 92% water, the muscles 75% water and the bones 22% water. There is water in every single cell of the body, and when I do not drink sufficient water my body will extract water from various areas to ensure that the critical bodily functions can continue. One of the things the body does is restrict the airways to conserve water, as expelling air also expels water. It also increases the production of histamine, which stimulates gastric secretions and dilates blood vessels, causing my allergic reactions. Drinking more water has meant that I virtually never have allergies any more.

Since drinking more water I have also discovered that my constant headaches have gone, I have more energy, I am not longer constantly constipated, my high cholesterol is under control, I have lost weight, and my skin is looking younger and better than ever.

I solved the smell and taste of tap water problem by investing in a great mains water cooler that is plumbed directly into my main water supply and fitted with an excellent filter that gets rid of all toxins, including the chemicals that gave the tap water its smell and taste. Now, thanks to my water cooler, my whole family can get healthy, great-tasting, chilled, ambient or hot water at the touch of a button virtually 24/7, which is great when the kids have friends over or we entertain, and it is healthy too.

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