Is There Really a Lack of Water?Around 70% of the earth is covered with water, so how can there be a shortage of water? The truth is that there is the same amount of water on earth as there always has been, but the reason that there is a shortage is that water is not in the same place it has always been, therefore there is a shortage of water in various regions.

Climate change has meant that regions where there was historically plenty of water may now have less rainfall and hotter temperatures, hence less water is available for use. Added to this, the earth’s population has exploded to a point where it is becoming more difficult to support every individual’s water needs.

In some areas there are far more storms than usual and because of this more storm-water drains and sewers have been built to carry the rainwater out to the ocean. This is a pity as it is basically a waste of fresh drinking water and we should actually be harvesting and storing this water for use in the dry months.

Capturing and retaining water where it lands is important because it means that there will always be water in various areas – this means that there will be sufficient water for the locals and money need not unnecessarily be spent to transport water there.

Another method of ensuring that there is sufficient water is to plant living water harvesting systems which replenish creeks and aquifers regularly so that there is always a natural source of water available.

In coastal areas where there are forests and rich fog, the fog harvested by the vegetation drips to the ground and contributes significant volumes of water to the landscape, refilling groundwater, springs, and creeks. It is therefore vital that these ridgeline forests are preserved and not removed for construction to take place. It is also a good idea to plant trees so that a ridgeline forest can be created that will act as a water-gathering structure.

Where it is not possible to plant forests, technologies exist which can mimic the natural fog-harvesting action; manufactured fog-sails can be erected to perform the same function and the water can wither be gathered into storage containers or be left to sink into the ground where it will fill underground sources for use later.

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