Remember to Drink Water during Winter!It’s easy to remember to drink water during warmer months when we’re constantly thirsty. But as soon as the temperature drops, we tend to forget about our 8-glasses-a-day. It is as important to stay hydrated in winter, though.

Your body’s functions haven’t changed and they require the same amount of liquids as during summer. This means dehydration can still happen if you don’t consume enough water.

Need more motivation to drink enough water during winter?

  • Our skin tends to become dry and flaky when it’s cold. This is due to the combined effects of cold, windy weather and indoor heating. Drinking water will keep your skin looking fresh, plump and hydrated.
  • Your body uses the mucous produced by mucous membranes to catch and destroy bacteria and viruses that are looking for a way into your system. Water is essential in mucous production, so with less water there will be less mucous in your body, making it vulnerable to flus, colds and other illnesses over the colder months.
  • Sticking to your health, it is common knowledge that water helps to flush out toxins. Again, this is vitally important at a time when we are more susceptible to disease. By drinking enough water, you’re keeping your body free of harmful toxins, thus aiding your immune system in its quest to keep you healthy.
  • Cold water has been said to rev up your metabolism, which helps keep your weight under control. We all tend to eat a little more than usual in winter, and more of the bad stuff too, so regular sips of water might help to keep winter weight gain at bay. Note – help, because drinking water does not give you an excuse to eat whatever you want!
  • Dehydration is the number one cause of fatigue, so drinking water will help keep you awake and alert.

To remind yourself of what dehydration looks like, here is a handy checklist:

  • You suddenly become light-headed.
  • Your heart rate is increased.
  • Your urine is a dark yellow.
  • Your body overheats.
  • Constipation sets in.
  • You suffer muscle cramps.

Of course, as highlighted earlier, other signs include fatigue and skin that loses elasticity. So when you start feeling parched this winter, and way before, reach for a tall glass of water.

Water coolers in London and water cooler accessories from Living-Water. Buy water cooler online or rent water dispensers for your premises.