Seven Reasons Why Drinking Water is Healthy for YouDrinking water is vital for you because the human body consists of around 70% water and it cannot function at its best without the required amount, which is why we need to drink water regularly to maintain that balance.

Water affects every aspect of our lives, not only to keep us from being thirsty, but also because water affects our:

  1. Digestion: Water helps the digestive process and helps to dissolve waste and move it through the digestive tract. If you do not drink water often enough your colon will become dry and you may become constipated.
  1. Energy: Office water coolers have become popular because bosses have realised that drinking water energises and refreshes staff members, which ups productivity. Drinking water throughout the day also ensures that ample oxygen and essential nutrients are constantly being transported to every cell in the body via the blood.
  1. Kidneys: One must drink water regularly to ensure that your kidneys stay hydrated because if they are not, mineral and salt deposits can build up and cause kidney stones, which are very painful.
  1. Muscle Tone: When muscles do not get enough water they will become dehydrated which will cause them to cramp and cease to function properly. Drinking water regularly will keep your muscles well-hydrated and allow you to exercise for longer, which will also help build muscle tone.
  1. Skin: Drinking water regularly will ensure that your skin remains plump and young-looking – water hydrates the skin, flushes out impurities, retains elasticity, and improves blood circulation.
  1. Stress: Approximately 80% of brain tissue consists of water, and if the brain becomes dehydrated it will become stressed and unable to function at top level.
  1. Weight: Water is perfect for anyone who is trying to lose weight because contains no calories, yet it sets your metabolism into high gear, which makes you feel full, so you do not eat as much. Drinking ice cold water also helps as you expend energy to warm the water up.

Get bottled water coolers and mains water coolers from Living-Water. Buy water cooler or rent water cooler in London.