Ten Good Reasons to Drink More Water

Human beings need to drink water regularly in order to maintain the correct levels of body fluids, being that around 70% of the body consists of water.

Although the standard eight glasses of water per day requirement myth has been debunked, we all still need to ensure that we ingest adequate amounts of water daily to suit our own personal needs.

Ten Good Reasons to Drink More Water

Many people do not drink sufficient water on a daily basis, which means that they are basically walking around in a dehydrated state most of the time.

Now that the 8X8 theory is no longer valid, the message is that we do get quite a bit of our water requirements from fruit and vegetables, so people are in fact drinking less water than before.

What the nutritionists, dieticians, and various other medical professionals are not stressing though is that one still needs to get at least 75% of your daily fluid needs from drinking water. This is because much of the vegetables that we eat are cooked, letting out the majority of the water they contain in a raw state.

With about 50% of the world population being chronically dehydrated, many individuals need some really good reasons to drink more water, so here are ten of them:

1. Water balances your core body temperature; without it you would overheat;

2. Your blood consists of around 80% water; without water your body cannot make healthy new blood cells;

3. The lymphatic system is a network of tubes, nodes, vessels, and fluid that move waste out of your tissues, helping to lessen pain in your body. It requires water to function properly.

4. Water is necessary to eliminate wastes and toxins from your body via your kidneys, lymphatic system, and intestines;

5. Water lubricates your joints and protects them against wear and tear;

6. Your bones are made up of around 50% water and need water to make healthy new bone cells;

7. Your brain consists of about 90% water, which protects it from getting damaged by being knocked against your skull.  Water also ensures adequate electrical functioning so that your nervous system and your brain function optimally;

8. Water regulates your metabolism and keeps your weight down;

9.  Every single organ and cell in your body requires water in order to function at peak levels;

10. Water helps you digest the food that you eat.

Without adequate water your body’s biochemical and electrical processes begin to break down and eventually you will die, so take heed of these ten good reasons to drink more water and make sure that you do.

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