The Benefits of a Water Cooler for Pregnant WomenThe human body consists of approximately 70% water which is lost throughout the day via urination, sweating, breathing and other methods. This water needs to be replaced continuously in order to keep the balance of bodily fluids. Insufficient water in the body can lead to dehydration, which can lead to major health problems.

While this is important for every human being, it is crucial that pregnant women constantly monitor their hydration levels and ensure that they do not get dehydrated even slightly. One’s body needs more water to cope with the demands of pregnancy and your changing body. The health, growth and development of the unborn child depends on this!

Drinking water is crucial for pregnant women, but it is just as critical that they drink water that is safe and hygienic. Not all tap water is hygienic, especially not for a pregnant woman who is growing a defenceless little body inside of her. Various toxins in tap water could be hazardous to the mother-to-be as well as to her unborn child, so it is important that the drinking water is as pure as possible.

The only way to ensure that you as a pregnant woman are drinking water that is pure and healthy is by either drinking bottled water or by drinking water from a water cooler. Bottled water is not guaranteed to be free of toxins, as some companies have been shown to be selling nothing but ordinary tap water in fancy bottles. Another reason why drinking bottled water is not recommended is that it is expensive, and with a baby on the way you need to be saving every penny you can.

Water coolers on the other hand, are very hygienic and can dispense fresh, great tasting, and chilled water whenever you want it. There are also many other advantages to investing in a water cooler.

Benefits of a Water Cooler for the Baby

A water cooler is a great aid for the mother-to-be because it makes fresh, hygienic, chilled water easily accessible, which in turn helps the baby.

  • Water facilitates the absorption of essential nutrients into the cells and transports trace elements, vitamins, hormones and minerals to the blood cells. These nutrient-rich blood cells are carried to the placenta and ultimately your baby as the only source of nutrients that the foetus has access to for nine months
  • Water is the most crucial building block in every living cell, and most especially in the case of an unborn foetus
  • The foetus needs water to aid in the development of the brain, blood, muscles, bones, skin and cells

Benefits of a Water Cooler for Pregnant Women

Having a water cooler gives the pregnant woman easy access to drinking water which is important because:

  • Drinking water on a regular basis during pregnancy helps prevent urinary infections, which are a common occurrence during pregnancy, because it helps to dilute the urine, reducing the risk of infection
  • Drinking enough water prevents dehydration which can lead to complications during pregnancy, especially during the third trimester when it could trigger premature labour
  • Drinking water regularly can help relieve the symptoms of morning sickness, heartburn, acidity and indigestion
  • The more you drink water during pregnancy, the less water you will retain, as drinking water regularly prevents water retention, oedema, constipation and haemorrhoids
  • Drinking chilled water will keep the body’s cooling system working to keep you cool which every pregnant woman knows is generally a problem
  • Drinking water regularly will keep the headaches and pregnancy fatigue at bay
  • Drinking water will help your skin to stay smooth and prevent it from becoming either too dry or too oily
  • Drinking water regularly will keep you regular, which is very important

Investing in a home water cooler and/or an office water cooler will make water far more accessible to pregnant women as a water cooler provides fresh, hygienic, great tasting water virtually 24/7.



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