The Effects of Dehydration on the Human BrainThe body consists of around 70% water and the brain itself about 95%. Like the rest of the body, the brain cannot function with insufficient water.

If you are not drinking water regularly, you stand a chance of becoming dehydrated, which could lead to some really nasty problems.

The Effects of Dehydration on the Human Brain

Dehydration from not drinking sufficient water can have a negative impact on the human brain, as brain cells require a delicate balance between various elements and water to function optimally.

You need to be drinking water constantly, whether it is from the tap, bottled water, from a water cooler or even in the form of tea or coffee, as long as you are drinking.

Too little drinking water will lead to the following problems

Brain Cell Function

Too little water in the brain will cause the brain cells to shrivel up, which in turn will impair the transport of oxygen, minerals and other materials between cells. Insufficient water in the brain changes the structure of the brain cells; this will ultimately lead to their deterioration.

Mental Effects

The mental affects that a lack of water has on the brain are confusion, mental fatigue, and a distinct lack of energy.

Visuomotor Functioning and Psychomotor Functioning

Insufficient water in the brain can impair your ability to focus on a computer screen or read. It can also affect your hand-eye coordination and concentration.

Extreme cases of dehydration can lead to disorientation, hallucinations, and even death.

Signs & Symptoms of Brain Dehydration

Dehydration is very serious, more so with brain dehydration, as by the time your brain registers that it is dehydrated, the rest of the body is already severely dehydrated.

The following symptoms are signs of brain dehydration:

  • Migraines: Migraines are a sign that the eyes and the brain are suffering from a shortage of water. This type of dehydration could lead to loss of eyesight if not attended to immediately. Drinking water should resolve the problem
  • Attention Deficit: Drinking insufficient water can lead to the brain slowing down and being unable to focus on even simple tasks
  • Bad Memory: Brain dehydration can lead to impaired short-term memory function as well as long-term memory recall
  • Mental Acuity: The ability to perform mental calculations is impaired when you do not drink enough water ,and you may feel as though you have cotton wool in your brain
  • Lethargy: Insufficient drinking water will cause you to feel very listless and lacking the will to do anything

How to Keep Your Brain Hydrated

In the past, the rule for keeping sufficiently hydrated was the 8×8 rule of drinking 8x8oz glasses of water per day. The thinking on this has changed somewhat as individual hydration needs means that not everyone needs to drink the same amount of water.

Staying hydrated depends on diet, activity level, weather, weight, and various other factors. Doctors now suggest that you use your urine as a hydration requirement barometer; the darker your urine, the more you need to hydrate.

Hydration should never really be a problem, as drinking water is not the only the only way of getting fluids into your body. Too little water is bad, but too much water can also negatively affect the electrolyte levels in your body.

Various foods have more than 90% water content as well as many of the essential electrolytes and nutrients required to maintain proper hydration and optimal brain function. These include fruit such as oranges, watermelon, and grapefruit.

If you like drinking water, try bottled water or water coolers, which can provide great-tasting living-water direct from source; fresh, full of nutrients, and delivered right to your door.

Purchase water coolers online and rent a cooler from Living-Water.