The Importance of Water for the BrainAlthough much is spoken and written about the importance of drinking water regularly in order to keep the body well hydrated and functioning optimally, not much is discussed on the importance of water for the brain.

The brain, like the rest of the body, needs nutrition in the form of oxygen, water, and energy.

Unfortunately most of us drink water far too seldom and too little when we do, do not breathe efficiently, and allow our blood sugar levels to rise and fall like a rollercoaster.

The Importance of Water for the Brain

The human brain is about 85% water, and optimal brain function depends on this level being constant. Without water the brain cannot work properly because it is water that keeps the brain signals working. Not drinking water causes the delicate balance of water and other elements in the brain to become unbalanced which will result in the brain cellslosing efficiency.

When we do not drink water and our brains become dehydrated, it becomes very difficult to concentrate or focus our attention on something for longer than a few seconds at a time. Dehydration affects our short-term memory as well as our long-term memory recall.

A very scary fact is that dehydration actually makes the brain tissue shrink, and that 90 minutes of sustained sweating can cause the brain to shrink as much as one year of aging does. This will also result in temporary loss of cognitive function. In actual fact, some researchers actually believe that Alzheimer’s is the result of long-term dehydration of the brain.

In order to ensure that you drink enough water every day and keep that important brain of your functioning at optimal levels, start your day off with a nice big glass of chilled water first thing in the morning before doing anything else. This will get the circulation going and kick-start your metabolism. Continue this every couple of hours, even if you drink tea, coffee or juices as well. Remember, the minute you see your urine becoming dark it means that you are becoming dehydrated.


Psychology Today

Dr Oz

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