Because it is necessary for flushing toxins out of your system, water is the most fundamental and efficient kind of natural medication that is now available. If you don’t drink enough water, your body will trick you into thinking that you are starving. If your body believes that you are going to starve to death, it will make “poor” judgments, putting your key organs at risk, in order to obtain the water that it ABSOLUTELY REQUIRES.

When you are exposed to any form of stress, change, or growth, you cause your body to go through a process that results in chemical changes. Water is VITAL and ESSENTIAL to the process of processing these changes, which include clearing poisonous residue OUT of the body 99.9 percent of the time. In order to process these changes in an easy and effective manner, water is essential.

Drink at least the amount of water that is recommended for you every day.

The majority of medical professionals advise that people consume the equivalent of eight glasses of water each day. When you drink water, you are providing your body with what it requires most, which is hydration. If your feet or hands are swollen, you need to drink water RIGHT NOW! Your body is attempting to compensate for its lack of water by storing surplus water in certain areas.

If you suffer from acid reflux, arthritis, back pain, angina, migraines, colitis, asthma, high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, depression, loss of libido, chronic fatigue syndrome, lupus, multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, or excess weight, your body is trying to tell you that it needs water in a variety of ways.

Don’t Forget to Quench Your Thirst at All Times…

The optimal times to consume water are as follows: one eight-ounce glass half an hour before eating any meal (breakfast, lunch, or supper), and a comparable quantity two and one half hours after eating any meal. This amount of water is the absolute bare minimum that your body need.

In order to achieve better outcomes, it is recommended that you consume “two more glasses of water around the heaviest meal or before going to bed.” I’ve found that keeping a steady intake of water throughout the day is the most effective method for me. The goal is to consume as much water as possible in any way that you can.

Living-Water is your source for water dispensers in London as well as tabletop water coolers. A leading provider of water in the London area, Living-Water is an industry pioneer.