Because our bodies are composed of approximately 70 percent water and we are continually depleting that supply in a variety of ways, the majority of us are aware of the importance of maintaining proper hydration by drinking water on a consistent basis. This is necessary to preserve the equilibrium of the body’s fluids.

What many of us do not realise is that we need to drink water for a variety of other reasons in addition to slaking our thirst, cleaning the body of toxins, and assisting the blood in transporting oxygen and nutrients to every part of the body as well as expelling waste; these are just a few of the reasons why we need to drink water.

The Numerous Advantages of Water Consumption

It is important to keep your body hydrated, which is a good thing because every cell in your body needs water to flourish. However, there are many more reasons why it is imperative that we drink water on a regular basis, including the following:

Take Some Water to Help Your Joints.
Consuming water on a regular basis helps to keep your joints lubricated, healthy, and strong. This is because moisture is essential to maintaining the strength and flexibility of your joints, which allows you to move around more effortlessly and pain-free.

Keep your mind healthy by staying hydrated.
Consuming water not only ensures that your brain receives all of the oxygen it needs to perform at its best, but it also boosts cognitive ability.

Take in Some Fluids to Keep Your Muscles Healthy.
Because water causes your muscles to become stronger, drinking water on a consistent basis helps to carry oxygen to all of the cells in your body, including the cells in your muscles, where it is desperately needed. Drinking water helps your muscles perform for longer and harder, which in turn helps grow muscle, so drinking water is a win-win-win situation.

Keep Your Weight Down by Drinking Water.
Drinking water on a regular basis is recommended by the majority of health and fitness programmes precisely because it assists you in losing weight and maintaining your current weight. There are a few reasons why drinking water can help you lose weight, including the following:

  • Oddly enough, consuming large quantities of water can help reduce the risk of fluid retention.
  • Consuming water encourages your body to use its existing fat stores as fuel.
  • If you don’t get enough fluids in your system, your liver will have to work harder to remove toxins from your blood, but drinking water makes it easier for your kidneys to complete their job of flushing them out of your system. This relieves the strain that would otherwise be placed on your liver.
  • Consuming water aids in the excretion of harmful substances through urination.


Drink Water for Your Skin
Consuming water on a regular basis helps your skin retain its natural moisture and plump appearance, which in turn gives your skin a radiant appearance that makes you appear years younger.

Therefore, it is essential to drink water on a consistent basis for a variety of reasons related to one’s health; also, drinking water will help you maintain a positive disposition, which is an added benefit. The best method to accomplish this would be to use a water cooler or water dispenser.

In London, you can purchase water coolers that draw their water from either bottled water or the mains.