What is Vitamin Water?Vitamins are essential for maintaining good health and water is involved in virtually every function of the body, so surely vitamin water must be good for us?

Many individuals hate swallowing pills because they taste bad, or have problems with the pills upsetting a delicate stomach. This would seem to make drinking vitamin water ideal as it solves two problems at once; helps you to partake of the vitamins your body sorely needs and solves the body’s hydration problem at the same time.

Well, apparently this is not necessarily so!

What do Vitamins Do?

People are becoming more and more health conscious and seeking to do everything possible to eat and drink according to what health professionals prescribe as necessary to keep the body at 100%. This includes important vitamins like vitamins A, B-complex, C, D, E and vitamin K.

Carbohydrates, proteins and fats combine with other substances in the body to build tissue and provide energy. Enzymes produced by specific vitamins act as catalysts for these chemical reactions to take place in very specific parts of the body:

Vitamins B & C

Vitamins B & C are water-soluble vitamins. They are absorbed into the bloodstream and carried to where they are needed in the body. Vitamin B is a co-enzyme that combines with a protein to form an active enzyme which acts as a catalyst in the chemical reactions that create energy from basic food elements and transfer it to the body.

Most excess water-soluble vitamins are excreted in the urine, so these vitamins must be ingested daily.

Vitamins A, D, E & K

Vitamins A, D, E & Kare fat-soluble vitamins that are absorbed and carried to different parts of the body via the lymph system where they aid in maintaining the structure of the cell membranes. They also help synthesise certain enzymes.

Fat-soluble vitamins are stored in large quantities in the body:

  • Vitamins A & D are stored chiefly in the liver;
  • Most vitamin E is stored in body fat and some also in the reproductive organs;
  • Minimal vitamin K is stored in the body

Excess levels of vitamins can become toxic in the body

What does Water Do?

The body is about 70% water; the brain is about 80% water and the blood is about 90% water. Drinking water is vital to life for humans as it carries nutrients to the cells, regulates our body temperature, and flushes waste and toxins out of our bodies.

The average human sweats out about 250 millilitres of water every day, and crying, coughing, sneezing, urinating and even breathing makes us lose even more water. If we lose too much water from our bodies we cannot function due to dehydration. Drinking water stops our bodies from becoming dehydrated and helps us to function at our best.

What is Vitamin Water?

Vitamin Water is bottled water that has been enhanced with vitamins, herbs, and flavouring and is being touted by the manufacturers as being a healthy alternative to taking vitamin pills.

Unfortunately what most people don’t realise is that:

  • The amount of refined sugar in vitamin water raised blood sugar levels, forcing the pancreas to increase insulin levels in the body, which can disrupt the body’s metabolism and suppress the immune system
  • The calories in vitamin water (100 to 125 per bottle) can result in weight-gain unless you are exercising regularly
  • The price of vitamin water is found by many to be rather excessive
  • The “vitamins” in vitamin water are synthetic chemicals and not natural, plant-based nutrients your body needs

So, at the end of the day, taking your vitamins in other ways, such as by eating fruit and following a healthy diet, or even taking vitamin supplements in the form of pills or liquid, is far better for you.

Drink water from the tap or from a water cooler to ensure that you are sufficiently hydrated, especially if you are exercising a lot or if the weather is hot. Remember to drink water regularly not just when you feel thirsty, as by the time you feel thirsty you are already somewhat dehydrated.

Get a free water cooler trial and water needs assessment from Living-Water Ltd. Rent water coolers and water cooler accessories for your home or business in London.


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Today Health