It doesn’t matter what you’re busy with, you should drop everything and go drink a glass of water now.

Especially, during summer, when everything seems brighter and a lot more fun. Summer, in fact, sounds like the perfect excuse to drink more water.

Hydrating your body properly, especially in summer, will not only make you feel good but look good too. It’s extremely good for your brain, mood, and keeping your body weight in check.

Given the fact that your heart is consistently pumping 2,000 gallons of blood through your entire body and is considered a very large muscle in your body, by staying hydrated, you’ll be able to keep it healthy and even help it to do its job better, which is pumping oxygen-rich blood throughout your body and well, keeping you alive.

When the blood flow in your body is in check, the muscles in your body also function a lot better.

Dehydration causes strain on your heart

Did you know that the volume of blood that circulates through your body gets decreased when you are dehydrated?

When your heart rate is increased when you are dehydrated, it may cause you to experience heart palpitations. Your blood may also retain more sodium, which makes it even more difficult to circulate through your body.

How much should you consume, to keep your heart healthy?

It all depends on how much your body requires and what your daily activity looks like throughout the day.

If you’re good at drinking water, you should pay attention to increasing your water intake when you are taking part in physical activities or if you have medical conditions, such as heart disease or diabetes. Increasing your water intake when you have a cold, flu or infection, is also very important for cleansing your body of any bad bacteria, which will help you get better faster too.

If you’re bad at drinking enough water, you may experience signs of dehydration, such as weakness or dizziness, which will require you to up your water intake. Fatigue often occurs due to a lack of water in the body, which causes a decrease in blood flow and adds strain to your heart.

Get water coolers and water cooler rental from Living-Water in London.