Water and High Blood PressureHigh blood pressure can lead to heart disease and strokes, two conditions that are amongst the top 3 causes of death in the world. But what exactly is high blood pressure and what has drinking water got to do with high blood pressure?

High blood pressure is also known as hypertension, and is the force of the blood pushing against the artery walls as it is carried throughout the body delivering vital nutrients and oxygen. If you think about the arteries as tyres and the blood pressure as air, one can see that only so much pressure can build before bad things begin to happen.

Hypertension is known as a silent killer, because it will threaten the arteries but give no symptoms or indications that there is anything wrong until it results in a life-threatening condition like heart disease or stroke, both of which can be fatal.

One can counteract high blood pressure in various ways, such as stopping drinking alcohol, quitting smoking, or going on a diet. One of the most effective ways to combat hypertension though, is by upping your drinking water quotient. This is because our blood is comprised mainly of water, and if we have sufficient water in the blood it remains at a viscosity that allows the heart to pump it through the veins and arteries easily.

Another cause of high blood pressure is excessive salt consumption. Once again, drinking water regularly can alter this because by drinking enough water you allow your kidneys to filter the excess sodium out and flush it in your urine.

Water and High Blood Pressure

Drinking water regularly throughout the day will keep your heart healthy and will help you to avoid getting high blood pressure, thereby lessening the chances of you having heart problems or a stroke. Not drinking water often enough or in sufficient quantities will cause your body to become dehydrated, which can lead to headaches, nausea dizziness, and muscle spasms amongst other problems. It will also lead to the flow of blood to your kidneys being reduced.

Your kidneys clean your blood, and drinking too little water means that the kidneys cannot function properly. When this happens, the body’s automatic hydration system will send a message to your brain telling it that you are low on fluids, and the brain will automatically constrict the arteries and veins, sending the blood pressure soaring even higher.

It is vital that we regularly drink water, but also that we drink pure, toxin-free water in order to keep our body hydrated and healthy. Some individuals are very susceptible to some of the toxins that can be found in tap water, such as chlorine in drinking water, which can raise levels of plasma cholesterol, which is very bad for the heart. Others just don’t like drinking tap water because it may have a slightly bad taste or smell caused by the chemicals used. If you are one of these individuals, do not let this stop you from ingesting life-saving water.

If you find it difficult to drink water regularly because of the smell or taste of it, instead of doing your body irreparable harm by allowing it to become dehydrated, buy a water cooler. Water coolers come in various styles and models, and most of them have water filters or the option to install a water filter. Whether you opt for a bottled water cooler or a mains water cooler, you will find that you and the others in your household or office will benefit immensely because of the easy, 24/7 access to great-tasting, chilled, toxin-free water.

Remember, the saying “Water is Life” is not just an advertising gimmick, it is the truth!


Get cooler accessories and natural spring water from Living-Water in London.