According to research, placing water coolers in the office can help boost productivity. Consuming 250ml of water after every half an hour is beneficial for our health in the long-run.

Constantly working for more than 8 hours a day can lead to our mind becoming exhausted. While the physical symptoms of dehydration often don’t manifest themselves, our brain needs to be hydrated after continuous work.

Stress is also a leading cause of dehydration. Constantly under the heat of performing better, many employees exhaust themselves mentally.

How a Water Cooler Can Help

By investing in water coolers for the office, employers can help reduce stress levels of employees. This is because drinking water quenches thirst and relaxes the mind. It also helps hydrate the brain and boosts its productivity.

After a long day of work, you never realise how thirsty you are once you sip a glass of water

But water coolers help promote health as well. Water is essential and without it, dehydration is not the only side effect. Clean and safe drinking water helps keep employees happy and healthy. This helps prevent illnesses and diseases, which are the most common reason for workplace absenteeism.

When your employees are happy and healthy, they can focus on working and performing better. An ill employee will also make their colleagues ill.

In addition, water coolers are also useful for promoting a better workplace environment.

In fact, it also helps new employees feel welcomed and a part of the office.

Another perk of water coolers is that it helps keep employees awake. As mentioned earlier, a stressful project can lead to mental exhaustion. Drinking water helps keep the mind hydrated and awake.

It’s also great for saving costs. Imagine having to invest in various water bottles throughout the day to help keep your employees hydrated. But with a water cooler, that’s no longer an issue! Employees can just fill their bottle with water and go on with their day, instead of waiting to purchase bottled water.

This also helps cut down long breaks because employees don’t need to go anywhere!

Living Water offers organisations and residential areas water coolers/dispensers and filters. We also offer services for renting water coolers.

If you’re looking for a water cooler for your business organisation, feel free to call us at 0203 139 9051 today or visit our website for further details.

We also have accessories for water coolers available.