Young woman holding a glass of waterWhile most individuals today are aware of the fact that the human body contains approximately 70% water and that we all need to drink water regularly to replace water lost through urination and sweating, many are not aware that they should also drink more water to avoid coronary heart disease.

Drink More Water to Avoid Coronary Heart Disease

A 6-year study, “Water, Other Fluids, and Fatal Coronary Heart Disease” published in the American Journal of Epidemiology, concluded that “We have found a strong negative multivariate association between intake of water and risk of fatal coronary heart disease and, in contrast, a positive association between intake of fluids other than water and risk.”

[Source: Oxford Journals].

While doctors these days have changed their thinking on what constitutes the recommended liquid daily requirement to include other liquids and water-rich fruit and vegetables, the above-mentioned study warns against drinking to little water and too many other fluids:

“Caffeinated beverages are mild diuretics and thus may raise blood viscosity” and “High energy drinks such as juices and regular sodas have osmolalities between 556 and 836 mOsm/kg. Their consumption causes a net movement of fluid from the vascular system into the intestinal lumen, resulting in a rapid elevation in blood viscosity after consumption.” The study concluded therefore that “We hypothesize that higher intake of diuretic and high energy beverages results in more frequent and larger exposure to conditions that increase the risk of thrombosis and atherosclerosis.”

According to Dr. Chan and Synnove Knutsen, MD, PhD, principle investigator and lead author of the article, people who drink 5 or more glasses of water daily show a far lower risk of fatal coronary heart disease. [Source: Loma Linda University Press Release April 25, 2002]

Drinking water that is pure and free of any toxins will reduce the risk of heart attack by 50% or more. If you have never thought of investing in a water cooler, maybe in the light of this study you will change your mind, seeing that even the water in the most modern First World countries contains toxins such as chlorine, fluoride, and even pharmaceutical drugs, which means that it is not that pure or toxin-free.

A water cooler with a water filter will ensure that you have only pure, toxin-free drinking water at your fingertips whenever you need it, which will encourage everyone to drink more water to avoid coronary heart disease.

Buy water coolers online or rent a water dispenser from Living-Water in London.