How Much Water is on Earth and in Our Bodies?Water is everywhere; there is water on the earth and water in the earth; there is water in the air; there is water in the oceans and water in rivers and lakes, and there is water in our skin, our eyes, our brains and every other cell in our body – it is even in our breath and in our sweat.

Sometimes when people talk about how important it is to drink water, we do not understand why and when people talk about conserving water we really do not understand. There is water everywhere, surely there is no shortage?

Unfortunately, climate change is wreaking havoc on the water on our planet, so it is really important that we do conserve water. It is also important that we drink water regularly in order for our bodies to work efficiently.

How Much Water is on Earth and in Our Bodies?

1. Our oceans store around 97% of earth’s water, 2% of which is frozen;

2. Surface water makes up about 80% and the rest is made up of groundwater and atmospheric water vapour;

3. More than 90% of the world’s supply of fresh water can be found in Antarctica;

4. Only about 2.5% of earth’s water is saltwater;

5. Fresh water is found in groundwater, lakes, rivers and streams, and in the atmosphere;

6. The total amount of water on the earth has a volume of around 344 million cubic miles:

  • Seawater – 315 million cubic miles
  • Groundwater in aquifers – 9 million cubic miles
  • Polar ice caps – 7 million cubic miles (frozen)
  • Lakes and streams – 53,000 cubic miles (passing through)
  • Atmospheric moisture – 4,000 cubic miles
  • Bodies of living things – 3,400 cubic miles

7. The human body contains around 37 litres of water, made up of:

  • Brains 75% water
  • Bones 25% water
  • Blood 83% water
  • Skin 64% water
  • Muscles 79% water
  • Heart 73% water
  • Kidneys 79% water

8. A chicken is 75% and an elephant is 70% water

9. A pineapple is 80% water and a tomato is 95% water

10. Less than 1% of the total water on earth can be used as drinking water;

11. Approximately a trillion litres of water is evaporated by the sun every day;

12. One single tree gives off around 265 litres of water in evaporation daily; and

13. Even a small drip from a leaky tap can waste as much as 75 litres of water in a day.

And if you can believe it, a really interesting fact is that if all the water on this planet could fit into a jug, only one teaspoon of it would be fresh water.

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