How to Avoid Your Infant Becoming DehydratedDehydration in infants can be life-threatening, and it can happen very easily, so it is vital that all parents, especially new parents, know the signs of dehydration, how to avoid dehydration, and how to re-hydrate their infant should it become dehydrated.

Dehydration is not only caused by lack of drinking water, but can also occur from a significant amount of diarrhoea, especially in babies. These little bodies have an extremely high metabolic rate and relatively small fluid reserves; therefore it is very easy for them to lose the water and electrolytes that are vital to the body.

It is therefore imperative that you ensure that your infant get sufficient liquids to drink regularly and also that, should your baby become ill with diarrhoea, you give the child plenty of water and other hydrating fluids. According to the Mayo Clinic, the only effective treatment for dehydration is to replenish both lost fluids and electrolytes as soon as possible in order to prevent the situation becoming dire.

Key Signs of Infant Dehydration

The following are signs to look out for in your infant, especially if your child has been ill or has suffered from a bad bout of diarrhoea:

  • A decrease in or absence of tears
  • A noticeable dry mouth or unusual thirst
  • Fewer wet diapers
  • Sunken eyes
  • The infant is far sleepier than usual
  • The infant is more irritable
  • The soft spot on head appears sunken

It is vital that you rehydrate your infant as soon as possible should you notice any of the above signs. It would be wise to first call your paediatrician for advice, and unless they advise otherwise, to start your infant on an Oral Rehydration Solution (ORS).

You can easily make a home-made solution if you do not have one at hand:

  • Six (6) level teaspoons of honey or agave (or any other form of sugar if necessary)
  • One half (1/2) level teaspoon of natural salt (such as Celtic sea salt or Himalayan crystal salt)
  • One litre (or 5 cups) of clean filtered drinking water.

Stir the mixture until the sugar and salt dissolve. If you are using honey or agave, you will have to first heat the water to dissolve the honey; add a few ice cubes to cool it down before giving it to your infant.

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