With Antarctica losing up to 3-trillion tons of ice within the last quarter of a century, it’s difficult to believe that global warming is speeding up rather than slowing down.

Scientists have been keeping up with the manner in which global warming affects Antarctica, and what effect it could have on the entire world, as the sea level continues to rise.

The ice of this snow-white continent started melting in 1992, which introduced a time where a modern age was introduced to the world.

Has the evolution of technology lead to our own destruction? Well, eventually it will. The over 3-trillion tons, however, is just the pilot episode of the saga.

Before 2010, the ice had already started to melt, yet it didn’t leave any significant impact on a rise in sea levels, but after?

Let’s just say that the annual rise in sea level increases between 0.2mm and 0.6mm.

That doesn’t sound like a lot or anything to worry about at all. However, it’s not a dam or a pool, it’s an entire ocean, which could leave islands underwater and cause massive damage to coastal countries/cities.

The reason why Antarctica will cease to exist

If the melting of the ice is caused by a rise in ocean temperatures, which is caused by climate change, then the continent as we know it will disappear.

As the sun gets warmer, the ocean’s temperature increases, which makes it impossible for the ice sheet to withstand it. It ultimately causes the glaciers to flow at a rapid pace into the sea. The further away it drifts from the continent, the faster it melts.

An organisation, the Ice Sheet Mass Balance Inter-comparison Exercise (IMBIE), conducted a study to estimate the amount of ice that has already melted, which will be continued annually, to keep up with the eventual melting of an entire frozen continent.

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