When it comes to general topics that are talked about amongst society, water and the dams that provide it, are often neglected. In fact, many people all across the globe don’t even know where their water supply is generated from, nor the status of that dam. Perhaps it’s a topic that doesn’t need that much emphasis but due to climate change and the rapid pace that water is being wasted every day, we should all consider learning a bit more about saving and conserving water.

Dams should always be in check when it comes to everything from the rainfall percentage throughout the year to the maintenance checks that keep dams in tip-top shape.

Where can we find the biggest dams in the world?

Bratsk Dam, Zeya Dam & Krasnoyarsk Dam, Russia

Well, of course, Russia made the list. As the biggest country in the world, its dams are some of the biggest too. With all three combined, these dams have a total of more than 310 billion cubic metres reservoir and provide Russia, along with smaller dams, with all the water they need to reach their entire country.

Kariba Dam, Zimbabwe

As the world’s biggest dam, Zimbabwe’s Kariba dam, when it comes to water, it is based on its storage capacity of 185 billion cubic metres of water. It is also owned by the Zambezi River Authority and provides up to 60% of hydropower outputs to both Zimbabwe and Zambia.

Akosombo Dam, Ghana

This dam has the capacity of 144 billion cubic metres of water and is primarily used for electricity generation, as well as provides 300,000 people with water each day. Based on water storage capacity, it is considered to be the third biggest dam in the world.

Daniel Johnson Dam, W.A.C Bennett Dam & Robert-Bourassa Dam, Canada

As the second largest country in the world, just like Russia, Canada has a lot of ground to cover when it comes to water provision. Combined, these three dams have a capacity of 275.5 billion cubic metres, which is even more than Russia’s three dams combined. It’s safe to say, Canada takes the cake for their amazing dams. And, if they ever were to run out of water, there’s still plenty a frozen to go a long way!

Buy water dispensers and rent water dispensers from Living-Water in London.