Why do humans need water?Water is the most important resource on earth and also known as the substance of life. It is essential for proper digestion, nutrient absorption and chemical reactions. Water is also responsible for proper circulation in the body, removes toxins and regulates our body temperature.

Tip: you should drink half your body weight in ounces of water everyday to provide your body with its MINIMUM water replacement requirements as long as you are reasonably fit.

Water is mainly lost through urine (± 6 cups) and perspiration (± 2 cups) and must be replaced through the diet. Chronic dehydration contributes to a number of health problems including constipation and kidney stones.

NB: start your day with a glass of water to maintain fluid levels. Keep a bottle of water in bag, as this is convenient to provide water especially if you are traveling or exercising. Try and form a habit of drinking water with every meal. The thirst sensation is not triggered until you are already dehydrated. Increase your intake of fresh fruit and vegetables, these have high water content.

We tend to think that we are getting our water intake by drinking any fluid that contains water, such as tea, coffee, alcohol, and other manufactured beverages. However, it’s true that these beverages do contain water, but what happens in fact is that the other ingredients present in these drinks actually deprive the body of more water than is contained in the beverage in the fist place, leaving you even more dehydrated. So it is actually counterproductive to drink these sorts of beverages. The most effective way to replenish our water level is by drinking pure, fresh water.

Living-Water sells water dispensers in London and rent water dispensers.