The sensation of thirst is the brain’s way of alerting you that your body is becoming dehydrated because it does not have enough water. After drinking one or two glasses of water, you ought to be able to satisfy your thirst and bring the fluid level in your body back to its normal level. Read on, however, since there are a few factors that could be the cause of your persistent thirst even if you believe you consume enough amount of water on a daily basis.

You are not drinking the amount that is recommended for you to consume each day.
The most likely explanation for this is the fact that you aren’t getting the recommended amount of water each day. The standard guideline is that each person should consume anything from six to eight glasses of water every single day. However, the amount of water that a person actually requires varies from person to person. Consequently, even though increasing your water intake to six glasses per day is an improvement over drinking only two glasses per day, this may not be enough for you.

In addition, even while it can look like you’re drinking all the time, the amount that you actually consume might not be as high as you believe it to be. Therefore, it is important to keep track of the amount of water that you consume.

It is important to keep in mind that beverages such as coffee, tea, and alcohol do not count because they dehydrate rather than hydrate. In point of fact, you might need to drink more water in order to compensate for the effects of these drinks. Therefore, while you are at work, develop the practise of drinking a glass of water from a desktop water cooler on a regular basis rather than taking frequent coffee breaks.


Because certain medications, such as antidepressants, decongestants, antihistamines, and diuretics (water tablets), can alter the synthesis of saliva by the saliva glands or cause you to excrete more water than usual, chronic thirst and dry mouth can also be a side effect of these treatments. Investigate the possible adverse reactions to any medications that you are already taking. If that is the source of the issue, you may need to compensate by increasing the amount of water you drink on a regular basis; if that does not help, you may need to try a different prescription.

Other explanations

It’s possible that you consume an excessive amount of salt. If you consume a lot of processed foods, then your sodium levels are probably higher than they should be.

When a woman is pregnant, one of the symptoms that she may experience is feeling parched or thirsty. This is because of the changes that take place in a woman’s hormones while she is pregnant.

If you are engaging in rigorous physical activity, you might not be replacing the fluids that you sweat out.

Anxiety may be the root cause of your specific ailment, which is described as having a dry mouth.


If you are adequately hydrating yourself but none of the other potential causes for your extreme thirst seem to apply to you, then you should consider the possibility that you have diabetes. A major factor that contributes to persistent parchedness is diabetes, particularly the more prevalent Type 2 variant.

If this is the case, however, you will typically also experience the following symptoms at the same time: fatigue, sluggish wound healing, unexplained weight loss, irritation, and frequent urination.

In order to determine whether or not you have diabetes, your primary care physician will need to perform a blood glucose test on you. Consult your primary care physician before making significant decisions regarding your health, and use the information presented here as a basic reference to help you make decisions.


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