Water is one of our most precious resources; every single person on the planet needs it to survive, so it fairly boggles the mind that there are so many individuals who have no compunction about wasting it by leaving taps running, not fixing leaks, or leaving the hose running for hours just so that their lawn can be green and lush.

Water equals life, and a human being can only last a few days without water, yet there are so many companies that have no problem with letting their chemical runoffs drain into nearby land, rivers and streams, and big farming concerns that allow massive fertiliser runoffs; oil companies and fracking companies also cause major pollution.

We all need to be aware of this pollution of one of our crucial resources and say or do something about it when we see it. Without becoming concerned about how industry in our area pollutes our water or how individuals and companies waste it, we could be soon faced with major water shortages, no matter where we live.

Oceans, streams and lakes are the lifeblood of many local eco-systems, so it is critical that we protect them from damage, especially for the survival of some endangered species. We cannot allow our water sources to be used willy-nilly as a dumping ground or we will end up with more of what can be seen in the great pacific garbage patch.

Using simple water conservation techniques can cut your water usage by more than 50% and this means that your water bills will also be cut in half.  By just committing to make a little extra effort each day you can make a huge difference.

Install a low flow shower head, fix leaky taps and pipes, take shorter baths, recycle your grey water to water your garden, only put your washing machine and dishwasher on for full loads.

Remember though, while we all need to save water, do not skimp on how much water you drink, as you need to drink water regularly in order to stay hydrated and healthy. Even here though, you can save by investing in a water cooler so that you, your family or colleagues do not waste water by running the tap until the water is cool enough to drink.

Buy water cooler or rent water cooler from Living-Water Ltd.