Worst Effects of Global Warming - WaterWe have probably all heard about global warming at this stage; the effect of greenhouse gases, mainly methane and carbon dioxide, caused by humans, on the earth’s temperature. Global warming is not just about the summers getting hotter; it is about climate change that affects the biology and hydrology of the planet!

Global warming will affect the sea levels; glaciers are melting and increasing the flow of water in rivers and will push back or submerge many cities on the waterfronts of the world as well as many smaller islands.

Global warming will create heat waves, increasing the chances of death due to heatstroke, wild-fires and the death of many wild animals.

 How Will Global Warming Affect Water Supplies?

Global warming will affect water supplies, including agricultural and drinking water supplies. This will have many far-reaching consequences:

Water Supplies

Demand for water will continue to grow as the population increases, and global warming means less rain, which means less water will be available in the hot months. Neither local water managers nor water supply companies will be able to function is there IS no water to supply.

Rising seal levels will push saltwater into more freshwater areas, decreasing the total amount of freshwater sources. As these freshwater resources are accessed for drinking water and water for agriculture and industry, more sea water will move in to replace it.

Drinking Water

Shrinking potable water supplies in drought-torn areas will mean that there will soon be insufficient drinking water for everyone on the planet; humans and animals alike will die in droves.

Conversely, heavy downpours will increase the runoff of sediment, pollutants, nutrients, trash, animal waste, and other materials into the rivers, making them unsafe as drinking water.

Even where there is water, the quality of that water will be affected, and will need to be treated by water companies to make it palatable and healthy to drink.


A shortage of water will not only affect drinking water, but also water for agriculture. Studies project more droughts in Africa, Australia, southern Europe, the Middle East, most of the Americas, and Southeast Asia. Droughts cause crop failures and huge loss of grazing land for livestock.

Food Security

Droughts in many of the countries in Africa are proof of how food security is being affected by global warming. Without water, the farmers cannot plant crops, and without food the nation dies of hunger and thirst.


The severe weather caused by global warming is already causing billions of pounds of damage. Property damage, loss of jobs, diminished tourism, and rising food and energy costs; disaster cleanup costs, increased insurance premiums, increased health costs and many more soaring costs could cripple economies.

Industries will also all but come to a halt as water is needed in most manufacturing spheres.

So, in conclusion, global warming will affect the quantity and quality of drinking water and that used for various industries. Wars are likely to break out over the most valuable resource to human life and life as we know it.




Union of Concerned Scientists

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