All about Water Usage and Water SavingWe all need water every day; for personal hygiene, for doing the laundry, for cooking, for agriculture, for industry, and most importantly in order to survive.

Most of the world is lucky enough to be able to turn open a tap and get potable drinking water; many individuals though, especially in third-world countries, are not so lucky. It is important to know this, because without water the human race cannot survive; no living creature can.

While it is important that we drink water every day, we also need to ensure that our drinking water is pure and free of toxins. It is just as important that we do not waste water. Water is a precious and scarce commodity in many regions.

All about Water Usage and Water Saving

The human body is around 70% water, some of which is lost throughout the day from sweating, urination, breathing and stools. This water needs to be continuously replaced in order for the body to operate at its best.

Water Usage

  • Each individual uses around 190 litres of water daily, as drinking water, for personal hygiene and various other uses.
  • Approximately two thirds of domestic water use takes place in the bathroom
  • It takes between 7.5 and 26.5 litres of water per flush of the toilet
  • A five-minute shower uses between 95 and 190 litres of water
  • Leaving the tap running while brushing your teeth uses around 7.5 litres of water
  • An automatic dishwasher uses between 35 and 45 litres of water per cycle

Water Saving

  • Chilling drinking water in a bottle in the fridge instead of running the water until the water is cool saves time and water
  • Instead of leaving the tap running while brushing your teeth, fill a glass with water to rinse your mouth
  • Bathing typically uses less water than showering; soak in a partially filled tub instead of taking a long shower
  • Run a sink of water to wash your dishes instead of rinsing them under a running tap
  • Put a brick in the cistern of your toilet so that it uses less water to flush

Approximately 400 million people worldwide live in regions where there is either a water scarcity or a sever water shortage. Do your bit to save water so that they too can have enough drinking water to survive as well as water for all other uses.

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