Water shortages and water scarcity is a global phenomenon that is set to get far worse due to over-population and climate change, and everyone needs to take responsibility for their water usage, including all types of companies, especially those in the manufacturing industries.

Fortunately, due to a greater awareness, combined with new water legislations, most companies have realised that they need to reduce their water consumption and impact, and are acting accordingly.

The emphasis on a circular economy is increasingly becoming a mind-set across all industries. Industries that use and dispose of process water must practice responsible water management, and this can only be done by corporate leadership ensuring that they and all of their employees, down to the individual operator, are given sufficient information as well as the means to decrease water usage; annual goals to achieve in order to make that happen; and a good understanding of their role as stewards of our vital water resources.

Those in the industrial process business need to use the 3 Rs when dealing with water; reduce, reuse and recycle in order to make the greatest difference. Reducing water usage will reduce water acquisition and treatment costs and water recycling done correctly will also lessen costs by lowering water acquisition costs and purification costs.

Implementing the general option to cut the stream of water, replacing existing equipment with more water efficient equipment and modifying other equipment by installing water-saving devices, will all result in water efficiency increases. Innovative approaches can also ensure energy efficiency improvement.

Ultimately, projects which provide an immediate economic benefit versus traditional cost structures, will reduce source water and discharge costs without significant cost of implementation, are the best kind and those more likely to be taken up by manufacturers.

Future planning needs to include the long-term consideration regarding whether what is planned will cost in the long term, because the basic business assumptions are that both regulatory requirements and costs in general will continue to grow over time.

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